SHOCK: Discovering the mystery of humans living at the bottom of the sea

Is there really human life at the bottom of the ocean?

Recently, a series of images of people’s lives at the bottom of the ocean with activities such as reading, working, sleeping or even bottles of wine were posted, causing a stir in Chinese public opinion.

Many fishermen still believe that human life always exists at the bottom of the ocean. However, it is not a human like us today, but it could be a prehistoric person or an alien living at the bottom of the sea.

There is a story circulating in Chinese folklore about the mysterious life of a strange man living at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. He built a wonderful city in the ocean with many people living together. People and sea creatures live together in harmony and kindness. But one day, some people felt lonely at the bottom of the sea and they went ashore to look for new life.

Currently, there is still no expert to explain this special series of photos that are spreading at breakneck speed on the internet. However, most netizens believe that this is just an art installation exhibition cleverly arranged to deceive people.

Images of human life at the bottom of the sea:

People at the bottom of the sea.

They also have desks, books and bottles of wine.

People are sleeping.

Sit and work like a real person.

Is there really life at the bottom of the sea?

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