The Marble Caves In Chile Are Pure Beauty Sculpted By Nature

Welcome To The Marble Caves, Chile . If you want to see some of the most beautiful sculptures in the whole world carved by Mother Nature herself, you need to check out the Marble Caves, in Chile.

Known across the world as the most stunning and intricate cave network on Earth, the Cuevas de Marmol is a 6,000 year old cavern made of solid marble. The breathtaking spot has been carved by the crashing waves of Lake General Carrera of Patagonia in Southern Chile.

Image: @katerina.martinakova on Instagram

The lake’s cool waters have created a swirling pattern within the marble, which changes depending on water levels, season, and weather. In other words, almost every day looks different at the Marble Caves, Chile.

The result is one of the most gorgeous, natural pieces of art you’ll ever see in your life.

Cool Glacial Waters Carved These Caves Over Thousands Of Years

Image: @serejkin on Instagram

Carved into the walls of the Patagonian Andes, the Cuevas de Marmol (A.K.A. the Marble Caves, Chile) can be found on a peninsula of solid marble.

The way they were carved can be explained only as a natural wonder. Over 6,000 years of waves washing up against calcium carbonate has helped to create the swirling blues on the cavern walls.

As the water melted from the nearby glaciers that filled up the General Carrera Lake, it washed up against solid rocks. As the centuries passed, this action slowly carved out intricate caverns, columns, and even tunnel systems in what’s also called Chile Chico.

Further, because of the length of time passed, the mineral-rich glacier water also changed the colours  and shape of the Marble Cave formations to beautiful hues of greens, blacks, yellows, and of course… gorgeous blues.

Visiting The Marble CavesImage: @katerina.martinakova on Instagram

The Marble Caves attract visitors from all over the world to southern Chile. The turquoise blue water, and the shape and colours of the caves are unlike anything you can find anywhere else. Because of this, they are a unique stop on the bucket list.

Add to that the fact that they’re actually quite remote and hard to get to, and you have a challenge that’s just interesting enough for people on a path of adventure and thrill-seeking.

How Do You Get To The Caves?

Image: @katerina.martinakova on Instagram

General Carrera Lake is the biggest lake in Chile, and it runs into Argentina. However, the Marble Caves are only located and accessible from the Chile side.

In order to get to the Marble Caves, you need to travel into Chile through Chile Chico city. Having a car of your own can make things easier, for sure. However, if you don’t have a car, you can still go and check them out by either hiring a driver, or going on a tour.

Where To Stay

Image: @serejkin on Instagram

The Marble Caves are closest to the town of Puerto Rio Tranquilo in souther Chile. The name of this town alone makes it sound like it’s worth a visit. The majority of businesses in the town cater to Marble Cave visitors. The caves have helped to put Puerto Rio Tranquilo on the map.

Outside of the caves, there’s not much to do. There are a few restaurants, a couple hostels, and one gas station. So you better make sure your trip to the caves is worth it!

If you’re looking for somewhere specific to stay, check out this link which will help you explore many of the hotels, motels, and hostels in the area. If you’d like a bit of a different experience, something a little more intimate, here’s a link to check out airbnbs in the area.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to do your research, and travel safely!

When To Visit

Image: @katerina.martinakova on Instagram

Because tours to the lake are weather-dependent, you’ll want to be discerning about when you go. Early in the morning is the most popular time to visit the Marble Caves. Further, weather in the Patagonia region is much calmer in the morning, so that’s a bonus as well.

If winds are too strong, guides may cancel tours. Try to go early in the morning on a sunny day for the smoothest sailing, and the most beautiful experience. Afternoons and evenings can be more full of tourist, as well as much more windy, which will affect your experience a lot.

Enjoy the turquoise waters, and the art sculpted by the most talented artist in the entire world – Mother Nature herself.

Image: @serejkin on Instagram

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