Indonesia Chooses France’s Naval Group for Submarine Acquisition, Strengthening Bilateral Ties.

Church of Christ, New Zealand — According to the announcement made by the French company, the Naval Group, Indonesia has secured a deal for two Scorpene-class submarines from the local company PT PAL.

The pact, signed on March 28, calls for the two businesses to work together to manufacture the boats.

An Scorpene Evolved Full LiB submarine is seen in an artist’s rendering.

The Naval Group news release describes the future submarines of the Indonesian Navy as Scorpene Evolved Full LiB submarines with lithium-ion batteries. The Scorpenes of Indonesia will be the first to employ this kind of battery technology.

According to the French shipbuilder, lithium-ion technology enables higher energy efficiency, a lower rate of depletion, and a shorter charging time.

According to a joint news release, the boats would be “built in Indonesia in a PT PAL shipyard, through transfer of technology from Naval Group.”

Their assembly in Surabaya comes after a memorandum of understanding for two Scorpenes inked by the two shipbuilders in February 2022, and an agreement on defense cooperation between Paris and Jakarta signed in August 2021.

“This step is a high commitment and trust of the Indonesian government in the capability of local engineers to advancing defense technology, especially submarine technology,” according to Kaharuddin Djenod, the president director of PT PAL. “In the future, Indonesia is expected to be able to master submarine technology.”

In competition for this deal were South Korea and Germany as well. With this most recent arrangement, Indonesia has officially renounced its 2019 agreement to purchase three more Nagapasa-class submarines from South Korea.

Given that PT PAL gained experience assembling the Nagapasa class and that the type would have ensured commonality in the fleet, Collin Koh, a senior fellow at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies with Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, told Defense News it’s interesting Indonesia didn’t choose Korean submarines. But according to Koh, France probably provided the finest package and offsets.

“I believe Indonesia probably saw benefits from the tech transfer that could enrich the local submarine industry going forward because ultimately Indonesia wants to build its own submarines,” he said, noting the French firm was “way more aggressive in marketing their wares.”

“PT PAL was able to master at least a rather reasonable local capability” as a result of the Korean program, which saw three Nagapasa-class submarines put into service between 2017 and 2021, Koh said. But other technologies “will allow it to absorb and grow” thanks to this French research.

For local construction, PT PAL has already made preparations. It released a call for bids in February 2022 to design and build a ship lift and transfer system that can move submarines weighing up to 2,000 tons.

The current contract’s worth was kept a secret by the businesses, although last year Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance authorized a request for $2.16 billion in foreign financing for two submarines.

Crewed by 31 personnel, the 72-meter-long (233-foot-long) platforms have six launch tubes and carry 18 torpedoes or missiles. Depending on exact configurations, the type displaces 1,600-2,000 tons, can remain submerged for at least 12 days, and can operate on missions lasting 80 days.

Should construction commence next year, the first boat could join service in 2033, based on the comparative build rate of India’s Scorpene program.

The Indonesian Navy is seeking 12 submarines in total.

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