
Prince Harry is ‘less well protected in the UK than Taylor Swift’, insider claims

Prince Harry’s security in the UK is seen as less important than Taylor Swift’s who was granted a police escort on her summer tour, it was claimed yesterday.

The pop star faces ‘less threats’ than the Duke of Sus𝑠e𝑥, yet she was ‘clearly treated completely differently’ while he is still fighting for automatic police protection, it was said.

Harry looks set to highlight Ms Swift’s VIP status as his battle the Home Office over protection goes to the Court of Appeal in April.

A source close to the duke said: ‘The Government’s decision to provide Taylor Swift with armed police escorts highlights significant inconsistencies in how protection decisions are made.

‘Clearly Prince Harry is being treated completely differently to everyone else.’

Harry was stripped of automatic police bodyguards after he quit royal duties.

Last night former head of royal protection Dai Davies said: ‘Prince Harry is being very disingenuous knowing full well he forfeited his right to police protection by going to live in Canada, and then the US. He is the architect of his own misfortune.’

Former assistant Met commissioner Neil Basu told The Daily Telegraph it was right to grant Ms Swift the police escort but added, ‘the same logic applies surely to the youngest son and family of our King’.

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