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Aussie jobs expert reveals the two things you should never talk about at work
A job expert has warned Aussies to never talk about politics or religion at work because it could cost them a promotion. Tammie Christofis Ballis, 37, a career coach at Realistic Careers, suggested workers avoid the potentially explosive topics if they’re focused on career progression at their company. Ms Christofis Ballis told Daily Mail Australia she noticed an uptick in political conversations in the workplace – and even in job interviews.
Kate Winslet breaks down in tears as she reflects on ‘absolutely appalling’ body shaming she experienced aged just 22 after starring in Titanic
Kate Winslet has broken down in tears remembering the body shaming she endured after starring in Titanic. The actress, 49, who was then 22 years old in 1997, got emotional and teared up during an interview with 60 Minutes as she remembered the criticism about her weight at the time. Now starring in Lee which she also produced, she said: ‘It was absolutely appalling.