El lujoso ‘esqueleto’ cubierto de joyas encontrado en catacumbas romanas.

En las oscuras profundidades de las catacumbas romanas, los arqueólogos hicieron un descubrimiento sorprendente: un lujoso “esqueleto” cubierto de joyas y envuelto en un velo de misterio….

Revelando las almas perdidas de Pompeya: innovadoras tomografías computarizadas iluminan la trágica historia de una ciudad antigua.

Después de permanecer sepultadas en cenizas durante más de 1.900 años, las víctimas de la devastadora erupción de Pompeya están volviendo a la vida gracias a la…

Siglos desenterrados: hombre inca de 500 años con tocado de plumas descubierto cerca de Lima, Perú.

Miles de momias de Ica, algunas de ellas reunidas en grupos de personas para buscar, han sido desenterradas de un cementerio atractivo debajo de una torre de…

No hay dos iguales: las colosales cabezas de piedra de los olmecas en México.

Las enormes estatuas probablemente representan a gobernantes de la antigua civilización olmeca. Dos de las cabezas olmecas se exhiben en el Museo de Antropología de Jalapa en…

There is outrage in Spain over the upcoming Taylor Swift concerts at Real Madrid’s stadium, as locals complain that the Bernabeu is hosting too many ‘unbearable’ loud gigs with poor acoustics.

Neighbours in Madrid fear that the recently refurbished Santiago Bernabeu football stadium will turn into an ‘event-drome’, with 15 shows scheduled for the summer months. The show…

Stephen Baldwin, Hailey Bieber’s father, made a cryptic comment requesting prayers for her and husband Justin Bieber, which is now connected to her pregnancy.

With news of Hailey Bieber‘s pregnancy, fans are now deciphering a cryptic message from her father, wondering if it hinted at the baby news all along. The model, 27,…

Russell Wilson draws a parallel between himself and Jesus and asserts that he had a conversation with God regarding his choice to raise stepson Future Zahir with Ciara after they began dating.

Russell Wilson has compared himself to Jesus – and claims he had a conversation with God – in recalling his decision to raise stepson Future Zahir with now-wife…

Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream: An Easy and Organic Delight.

Introduction Why buy store-bought ice cream when you can easily make a delicious and healthy version at home? With just three ingredients, you can create a delightful…

John Travolta’s house features a functional airport with two runways dedicated to his private planes.

John Traʋolta is a certified priʋate pilot who owns fiʋe aircraft, so it’s only fitting that the 60-year-old actor’s Florida hoмe has two runways that lead directly…

Keen-eyed Kendall Jenner sends fans of Hailey Bieber into a frenzy after noticing a subtle detail in the pregnant model’s selfies.

Kendall Jenner may have just spilled the beans on Hailey Bieber‘s latest Rhode Skin release after leaving a cheeky comment under one of her friend’s posts. This week, the…