A pilot’s photo of a rainbow at 30,000 feet captures an uncommon and breathtaking sight.

A stunning photograph of a full rainbow taken from the cockpit of a commercial airplane by pilot Lloyd J Ferraro at an altitude of 30,000 feet was captured. The breathtaking image depicts the rainbow’s full spectrum of colors arching gracefully across the sky.

Rainbows, with their vibrant colors and seemingly magical appearance, have long captivated people all over the world. While rainbows can be seen from the ground after a storm, seeing a complete rainbow from the air is much more rare.

According to Ferraro, he was flying over the Pacific Ocean when he noticed the rainbow and decided to photograph it. The resulting photograph has since gone viral, capturing the attention of people all over the world with its beauty and rarity.

Photo: Lloyd J Ferraro

The image not only demonstrates the beauty of nature, but it also demonstrates modern technology’s incredible capabilities. Ferraro captured the stunning image with a smartphone camera, demonstrating how accessible and advanced our technology has become.

This breathtaking photograph serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us in our daily lives. It is a testament to nature’s power and modern technology’s marvels, and it has inspired people all over the world to appreciate the small moments of beauty that exist in the world around us.

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