Absolutely Adorable! Ten-week-old lion cubs engage in playful wrestling as they explore the outdoors for the first time under the watchful eye of their protective mother, Zuri, at Woburn Safari Park

Paw-fectly cute! Ten-week-old lion cubs playfight as they venture outside for the first time with their protective mother Zuri at Woburn Safari Park

Heart-melting footage has been released from Woburn Safari Park of two lion cub brothers as they take their first steps outside.

The pair were filmed venturing out of their lion house and into the bright autumn sunshine at the Bedfordshire safari park.

Their mother, five-year-old Zuri, leads the way into the field, with the pair never too far behind.

As the two begin their exploration, they appear reluctant to leave each other’s side, seeking safety in numbers.

Quickly though the pair begin to enjoy the open space, charging at one another as they enjoy being able to play in the sunshine.

One of the cubs decides to push his luck attempting to chase his mum down, his reward is an accidental leg in the face – a reminder of who’s really in charge.

The pair explore the new environment with great caution at first, never leaving one another’s side as they creep into the outside enclosure at Woburn Safari Park, Bedfordshire

Playtime begins! Quickly reassured that the new space is safe it isn’t long before the boisterous cubs begin shoving at each other hoping to incite play

Mother Zuri has been known to be quite protective of her two new cubs, not liking anyone to get too close if she can help it

The family seemed to enjoy their time out in the cool fresh air and autumn sun outside Woburn Safari Park’s lion house

The cubs are more than happy to play with Zuri, as their father Joco is nowhere to be seen

Clean behind your ears! Even though the cubs are getting bigger, Zuri can’t resist her maternal instincts to look after her boys

Paws for thought: The pair stop their play as they realise they’ve caught the attention of the photographer

Zuri reacquaints herself with all of the smells that drift through their outside enclosure

The pair look extremely at ease, drinking in what’s left of the sun as the seasons begin to change

Cheeky smile: The cubs are now just over two months old and are expected to be named soon, following a naming competition at the park

Growing up fast! The pair have grown a lot since they were last pictured in August at around one month old (above)

The cubs were born in the early evening of July 25. They have been given more freedom after being given their vaccinations.

The cubs are being weaned from their mother between now and 12 weeks, introducing meat into their diets. They should be fully weaned by the time they are six to eight months old.

Lucky visitors to Woburn can see the adorable pair outside from 10am to 1.30pm daily, unless Zuri decides to keep them inside.

The cubs are not handled by keepers, they are left to bond with mum. Their father Joco can also be seen close by.

To celebrate the birth of the cubs Woburn Safari Park will be running an African themed naming competition for both of them.

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