Excavating the 2,000-year-old tomb of the emperor who was in power for 27 days, archaeologists were completely shocked

Archaeologists were extremely surprised to discover something rare in the tomb of the emperor who only served 27 days in Chinese history.

The tomb of a Han Dynasty emperor who only remained in power for exactly 27 days makes archaeologists go from surprise to surprise. That is Liu Xia (92 BC – 59 BC), the 9th emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Xia was the grandson of Emperor Wu of Han, one of the greatest emperors of the Han Dynasty, and the son of King Liu Bo of Changyi Ai. After his father died in 86 BC, Liu Ha inherited the position of King of Xuong Ap. When Emperor Han Chieu died in 74 BC and had no children, the current chief minister, Hoac Quang, decided to appoint a successor, King Xuong Ap.

According to the Book  of Han , in 74 BC, the Han royal family deposed Liu Xia, the new emperor was in office for only 27 days but did not care about politics, indulged in pleasure and had up to 1,127 acts and deeds. do wrong.

However, passing away 15 years after being deposed, Liu Xia, one of the shortest-reigning emperors in Chinese history, was buried in a very lavish mausoleum and this has puzzled many researchers. Surprising rescue.

Luxurious mausoleum of the 27-day emperor: Grave robbers did not touch it for more than 2,000 years

This emperor’s tomb is decorated with many precious items made of gold, silver, and jade. Notably, archaeologists also found  10 tons of bronze coins , musical instruments, chariots, and sacrificial horse corpses in this tomb.

Archaeologists found 10 tons of ancient coins in the tomb of the emperor who reigned for 27 days in the history of the Western Han Dynasty.

Digging deep beneath a mound near Nanchang city, Jiangxi province (China), the archaeological team discovered the lid of a large sarcophagus. However, according to archaeologist Tian Zhuang, when the lid was lifted, Instead of encountering an ancient corpse, they discovered a chest about 2 meters deep filled with ancient coins.

Tian Zhuang said: ” I have seen ancient coins unearthed from many other archaeological sites. However, this time there were mountains of money. I have never seen so much money in my life.” me “.

There are also a lot of precious gold and antiques dating back to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 9).

Since 2011, Tian Zhuang and his colleagues have spent more than four years excavating and researching the emperor’s tomb. Thanks to his tireless efforts and seriousness in his work, Tian Zhuang became one of the first people in about 2,000 years to see the royal tomb of the Western Han Dynasty. This is considered one of the best preserved resting places ever found.

Archaeologists and research experts were surprised by the scale and treasure inside the tomb of the deposed emperor after only 27 days in office. Photo: Xinhua

Liu Ha’s tomb complex is 40,000 m2 wide , including 8 tombs, memorial halls, drainage systems and many roads.

Excavation work has been underway for many years since 2011, after a team of archaeological experts in Jiangxi province received reports from local people that an ancient tomb nearby was being stolen. However, since November 2015, the Jiangxi provincial government announced this tomb and this place is considered one of the most complete royal burial areas in Chinese history ever found.

Huge treasures were found, many of them surprisingly intact

More than 20,000 relics have been found. Indeed, the huge treasure found in the tomb of the emperor who was in office for only 27 days shocked many archaeologists. According to experts, it was the lavish burial customs of the Han Dynasty royal family that became a “magnet” that attracted grave robbers.

The fact that grave robbers missed or accidentally forgot the main tomb that buried Liu Xia, the emperor who was dethroned after 27 days and became the Aphou of the Hai Hon region, is a rare stroke of luck in more than 2,000 years.


A jade seal engraved with the name “Luu Ha” as well as many burial items made of gold, silver and jade in the tomb. Photo: Xinhua

In particular, many antiques in the tomb of Hai Hon Marquis Liu Ha are still intact, despite many weather events and natural conditions for more than 2,000 years such as floods, humidity,…

Zhang Zhongli, a senior archaeological expert at the Shaanxi Archaeological Research Institute, described finding extraordinary wooden structures still standing after more than 2,000 years in ancient tombs. And yet, despite the flooding, acidic soil and humid climate around the Nanchang area, the organic materials include five wooden chariots that still have their paint on, along with buried horse remains. .

However, there are also many submerged lacquer artifacts that have been seriously affected after exposure to air.

Many items in the tomb were made of gold.

Meanwhile, Yang Xiaolin, a copper conservation expert at the National Museum of China, said that the gold excavated from the tomb has remarkable purity, especially with most of the gold pieces weighing about 250 grams. The 378 gold items found in the tomb alone weighed 78 kg, worth millions of dollars, not to mention their historical value.

Unlike historical records, researchers were surprised to discover a completely different Liu Ha. Specifically, the relics found showed that he was a person who was very passionate about calligraphy, worshiped Confucius, and had knowledge of music when the excavation team discovered many sets of musical instruments and terracotta statues. Describe how to play musical instruments.

Despite being flooded, the quality of many antiques remains almost intact after more than 2,000 years.

In addition, perhaps this short-lived emperor had a hobby of collecting treasures, so there were many burial items and precious jewels displayed in his tomb.

According to Mr. Xin Lixang of the National Museum of China, who is also the leader of the excavation and has spent time researching about 4,000 Han Dynasty tombs, this is the most complete Han burial site ever discovered. detect.

Two goose-shaped lamps crafted from bronze are still very intact.

Xu Changqing, an expert at the Cultural Relics Research Institute of Jiangxi Province, commented: ” This discovery can help us understand the economic, cultural and social situation in the Western Han Dynasty, and even even the development of music, transportation, measurement field,… “.

In addition, the coffin containing the remains of Hai Hon Marquis Liu Ha was also preserved by experts in a room with little oxygen after opening the lid in early 2016.

The mausoleum of Liu Ha, the emperor who only reigned for exactly 27 days, and the huge treasure inside are truly a rare discovery, providing a lot of valuable information and historical data, especially about the nobility. Han Dynasty, one of the most influential dynasties in Chinese history.

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