The Met Gala is the gift that keeps on giving as we continue to find out more of the amazing things that happened on Monday night. One of them is what looks like a budding friendship between Eiza González, and Billie Eilish. The talented artists briefly talked and seemed happy to be in each other’s beautiful presence. Check out some of the photos below and relive their beauty individually and together.

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Eiza Gonzalez

Eiza arrived at the gala in a Michael Kors design, highlighted by a deep V-neckline. With a mermaid cut and silver details on the white dress, Eiza was sure to turn heads. Ella’s skirt was full of impeccable white feathers, matching the sleeves that she wore for a few moments in front of the cameras.

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She completed the look with silver jewelry: earrings, necklace and rings that combined perfectly. Her glamorous updo showed the Mexican beauty’s face completely.

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Billie Eilish

As well as Eiza, Billie stole the show on her way through the red carpet with a Gucci dress, by Alessandro Michele. She was undoubtedly one of best dressed with a satin corset in ivory tones and green details that were true to the Gilded Glamour code of the In America: An Anthology of Fashion theme.

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Billie looked stunning and confident in the gown. One of the best things about her outfit is it was made with recycled or vegan materials.

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Eiza Gonzalez and Billie Eilish

After the pressure of red carpet posing, Billie and Eiza walked together into the museum, happy, smiling and relaxed.

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Although it is a mystery to us what they were talking about, it is clear that the girls got along very well and hit it off as new BFFs. Behind them was Finneas, Billie’s brother, who is known for his impressive work on his his little sister’s songs.

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